Edible hamster toys made from compressed sawdust are often flavored or contain honey and can make your hamster think they are eating food. If ingested it can make them ill or worse cause a fatal blockage. Also known as Hamster Chews and Hamster Chew Toys these inventions are really not a good idea.
Compacted sawdust chews are NOT edible or safe and should be avoided. Consumption of these products can cause a blockage in the stomach, resulting in the loss of your hamster. Also if your hamster does eat them it will be too late, a hamster can not throw up and vomit like a human can.
It is safe to stick to natural wooden chews, cork logs, wood or pine cones, as they will not be fooled into ingesting them and will just chew it.
“Constructed of compacted sawdust, mixed with honey, these encourage hamsters to ingest / eat the wood rather than just chew it. They are unsafe for consumption.”
This Change.org Petition started on 30th March 2021 https://www.change.org/p/pets-at-home-ban-the-sale-of-pets-at-home-chew-toys-that-are-unsafe
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