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In the hamster community many people have came across gate keeping of barred cages, in this blog we hope to raise some points on how barred cages can be good. With the current study of hamsters done by The Veterinary Association for Animal Welfare (TVT) which can be seen on our hamster cage page, […]
Pets at Home launched a rebrand and the public took the opportunity to express their concerns and grievances about the company. The Instagram post announcing the rebrand was launched early evening on 18th April 2023, it seems that a hamster rescue called Treasured Paws Hamster Rescue was the first who spotted this and […]
PDSA now recommend 100cm x 50cm minimum cage size for hamsters. This is for ALL species of hamsters including dwarf and it’s great to see that smaller hamsters aren’t being discriminated due to their slightly smaller size. This month Blue Cross another major charity, also increased their minimum and now say “no smaller than 100cm […]
Blue Cross recommend 100cm x 50cm Minimum Cage Size for ALL species of hamsters. This is a big breakthrough for the hamster loving community as Blue Cross are the first major charity to recommend 100cm x 50cm, the same as TVT veterinary research from Germany. Blue Cross say “The ideal home for a hamster […]
Blue Cross have provided a warning against small hamster wheels. They Say “Important – Some cages are sold with wheels included but these are not always suitable. A hamster should be able to use an exercise wheel without curving their spine or raising their head, as this can cause back problems.” Blue […]
Reports of another hamster found dead with Soft ‘n’ Safe fluffy bedding trapped in it’s mouth have circulated social media. This report is very similar to other reports from owners finding their hamster dead with fluffy bedding stuck in it’s mouth, blocking their airway. In the Post it says: PLEASE SHARE THIS […]